
Web Developer

who is passionate about coding and loves building responsive and dynamic web applications / websites.


  • languages

    typescript javascript mysql nodeJs

  • frameworks/libraries

    react next-js tailwind-css styled-components tanstack-query react-hook-form

  • tools

    git github figma-dev


  • screenshot of Ecommerce web app project

    Ecommerce web app

    An e-commerce web app that mirrors the core features of an online furniture shop. I built this E-commerce web application to explore Supabase.

    • nextjs
    • tailwind
    • typescript
    • supabase
  • screenshot of moviesfun project


    A movie web application that provides the latest information about movies, tv shows and celebrities. I built to understand more about Nextjs and learn NextAuth.

    • nextjs
    • tailwind
    • typescript
    • tmdb-api
    • tanstack-query
  • screenshot of space tourism project

    space tourism

    A frontend mentor challenge. This was my first nextjs project to understand the app router

    • nextjs
    • react
    • tailwindcss
    • typescript
  • screenshot of my portfolio project

    my portfolio

    A web application that showcases my skills and qualifications.

    • nextjs
    • tailwind
    • typescript
    • framer-motion
  • screenshot of AirBnB clone project

    AirBnB clone

    A clone of the AirBnB that focuses on gradually implementing the core features and functionality of the original.

    • Python
    • Flask
    • MySQL
  • screenshot of realtors project


    A landing page for a real estate company

    • HTML
    • CSS
    • JavaScript
more projects→



After graduating from college where I studied Computer Science, I have participated in bootcamps/internships to gain hands on experience building projects and also working in a cross-functional team.



If you require a developer's expertise or are interested in establishing a connection for potential collaboration, please don't hesitate to reach out. Whether it's about joint projects, shared ideas, or simply networking, I'm open to exploring opportunities. Let's connect and see where our paths might lead!